Stearns Ford

Mar 31, 2020
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The Car Care Council has named April National Car Care Month. Follow these steps to ensure your Ford is prepped for the months to come.

Ford Car Care Tips for National Car Care Month

Change wipers and lights

With snow and icy weather finally behind us, you can prep your car to handle the coming spring showers. Salt from the roads can build up over time on the headlights and taillights, which limits visibility. 


Schedule a car wash to scrub all the salt from your car, and pay special attention to the lights so you can bring them back to their original shine. Notice if any lights have gone out, and take the time to replace them before the rain arrives.


Take a few moments to clean the windshield wipers, and decide whether it’s time to replace them. Doing so now will not only help you maintain clear visibility of the road ahead when the weather turns, but it will also help you keep your windshield clear from the yellow streaks of pollen that arrive in spring.

Inspect the AC components

It’s easy to overlook the comfort of air conditioning until something goes wrong and you’re stuck sweating on your drive to work. Take a good look at the air conditioning components, including the HVAC system, the compressor, and compressor belt. If anything appears damaged or in need of attention, we have plenty of available Ford parts to get your AC up and running again. 

Rotate tires and align wheels

It’s no surprise that your tires take a daily beating. Take a good look at them. Is there a healthy amount of tread? If not, you could easily lose traction on slick road conditions, and your car will have to work harder to accelerate and brake. 


Also take note of any damage you may see to the tires, and ensure they are properly inflated. Doing so will extend the life of your tires and help you prevent a flat tire on your first summer road trip.


If you can’t remember the last time you had your tires rotated, then it’s time to schedule service. This will extend the life of your tires and help them to age equally over time. This will also be the perfect opportunity to get your tires aligned, which will make your ride more comfortable and increase your gas mileage.

Schedule Service in Burlington, NC

Celebrate National Car Care Month with us, and schedule service at Stearns Ford. Our Ford service center in Burlington, North Carolina, will ensure your car is equipped to handle the coming spring and summer seasons. Give us a call today or drop by our dealership to learn more.