Stearns Ford

May 27, 2020


What better time to learn how to safely and effectively clean and disinfect your car? Continue reading to learn 3 important steps to sanitize your car.

A DIY Guide: How to Sanitize Your Car

Disinfect Commonly Touched Surfaces

While bleach products such as Clorox wipes and paper towels will go a long way to disinfect your home, it is not recommended to use these on any part of your car, inside or out. Doing so will eat away at the surfaces — especially soft and organic surfaces such as leather. A concentration of at least 70% isopropyl alcohol will do the trick and won’t cause damage to the interior of your car. Paper towels are also more abrasive than we realize which is why you should always opt for a soft terry cloth instead. 

Vacuum Carpets and Upholstery

Vacuuming out your car is an easy way to remove pollen and dust which improves the air quality in your car and protects your lungs from irritants. Be sure to wear a mask of some kind to avoid inhaling any airborne particles as you clean. This will also do wonders in removing any old, stale odors from your car.

Replace the Air Filters

While cleaning and replacing the air filters in your car is a routine maintenance suggestion, it’s a very easy thing to forget. Air from outside is filtered to remove any particles such as dust, pollen, and other allergens before entering the cabin through the air vents. If these filters become dirty or clogged, these particles will circulate through your cabin undeterred which can lower the breathing quality and exacerbate allergies. If you are unsure of how to check or replace the filters, you can swing by your local Ford service center and we will take care of this for you.

Invest in a Deep Clean in Burlington, NC

For a truly deep clean and added peace of mind, allow the professionals at Stearns Ford to detail your car. We use the highest-quality cleaning supplies and tools to ensure every inch of your car is as clean as the day you bought it. Give us a call to schedule your appointment today and be sure to take advantage of any service specials we have available.